Freedoms Hope Compassionate Ministry Center seeks a paid part-time Executive Director

Freedoms Hope is a faith-based organization whose focus is to support those in poverty and homelessness as they move towards sustainability. We recognize that poverty and homelessness are complex situations and multifaceted, holistic interventions are required. Freedoms Hope provides a part-time day center with showers, laundry, food, a clothing closet, and a variety of educational opportunities. Partnership with Cone Health provides a Nurse 3 days per week. Case Management assists with a variety of referrals and needs including housing, job search, and SSI/SSDI applications.

This part-time Executive Director position has the responsibility to manage the affairs of the organization with oversight from the board, cast vision, provide direction, oversee volunteers, and direct resources towards fulfilling the mission of Freedom’s Hope. There is a part-time Operational Manager in place to assist with the day-to-day functioning of the Center.

Freedom’s Hope partners closely with local community organizations and faith communities to provide clients with the tools and resources they need. In addition to the above, the Executive Director serves to represent Freedoms Hope to local community and faith organizations and build relationships.

Please contact Board President Karen Morrison for further information or with questions. or 336-264-0697.

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