United Way of Alamance County board and staff adopted this statement in December 2020. We acknowledge where our country has been and the work that needs to be done to reduce inequities that exist all around us. United Way is an advocate for change and hopes you will join us in creating a more equitable and inclusive Alamance County.
This statement is as follows:
United Way of Alamance County commits to leveraging all of our assets (convening, strategic investments, awareness building, advocacy) to create more equitable communities and reflect on our progress. Together we can ensure each individual has access to the opportunities and resources needed to live happy, healthy lives.
United Way of Alamance County defines equity as the intentional inclusion of everyone in society. Equity is achieved when systemic, institutional, and historical barriers based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and other identities are dismantled and no longer predict socioeconomic, education, and health outcomes.
United Way of Alamance County understands that equity, inclusion and diversity must be at the forefront of our work to ensure every individual has what they need to be healthy, well-educated, and financially stable. We recognize disparities exist in our community and the voices of the underrepresented are not always heard. We are committed to dismantling structural racism and other forms of oppression that have historically divided our community.
United Way of Alamance County works diligently to bring an equity lens to our programming, community investments and overall decision-making. Through on-going trainings and thoughtful conversations, we understand the pathway to equity is continuous and requires a collective approach with all of our partners, advocates and donors. We are working to address implicit biases internally and externally. We commit to reviewing our progress and assessing where gaps may exist, including our commitment to a diverse board and staff.
United Way of Alamance County’s goal is to provide support to our community and partners regardless of race, religion, gender, nationality, language differences, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, socioeconomic status, work and behavioral styles, parental status, differing perspectives, lived experiences, as well as physical, mental and developmental abilities. We understand we need to strengthen these communities and elevate their voices.