For additional information, please reach out at 336.438.2000.
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A free program that serves elderly, low-income, and disabled individuals who need assistance filing income tax returns. Click here to learn more.
Need assistance? Not sure where to start?
No matter where you live in North Carolina, you can call 2-1-1 and a trained 2-1-1 agent will help you to find available human services resources in your community.
If you need help finding assistance with housing, food, healthcare, utility payments, and more, we can help. 2-1-1 Referral Specialists are available 24 hours a day, every day by dialing 2-1-1 or 888-892-1162 from any phone. The call is free, confidential, and available in any language.
To use the online 2-1-1 search tool, please visit NC211.org
Over the past year, NC211 has fielded over 4,000 calls from individuals living in Alamance County. Top caller needs are housing and shelter (including rent assistance), utilities, and food access.