We need your support of Missions! #FSUMC #Market4Missions

Mark your calendars as Market for Missions invites you to our inaugural Christmas Market to be part of raising money to make a difference in our local, domestic, and global missions. We are proud to bring back a Christmas Market that will enable us to raise money for our local community with the support and participation of people like you. 

Join us in Burlington, North Carolina at Front Street United Methodist Church, Aldersgate Hall on Saturday, November 11, 2023, from 11:30 AM to 4 PM.

Our unique exhibitors will bring high-quality gift ideas in a friendly church setting. We proudly feature a unique combination of holiday gifts, home accessories, food items, and quality handcrafted items for our shoppers. Follow us on Facebook @FrontStreetUnitedMethodistChurch as we feature some of our vendors! 

If you are interested in being a vendor, a sponsor, or a volunteer please reach out to us at market4missionsfsumc@gmail.com.

Amanda Warren / fosterunc@aol.com
