Upcoming Workshop Series

EmpowerHER: Job Search Series for Women

When: Tuesdays and Thursdays, August 6th - 22nd

9:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.

Where: Women's Resource Center in Alamance County

Embark on a transformative journey with "EmpowerHER," a dynamic 6-part workshop series designed to empower women in their job search and career development. In each engaging session, participants will delve into key aspects of the professional landscape, gaining valuable insights and practical tools to propel their careers forward and design a life they will love.

Workshop Highlights:

Understanding Yourself:

Uncover your strengths, passions, and unique qualities to shape a career aligned with your authentic self.

Developing a Job Search Plan:

Navigate the job market strategically with a personalized plan that maximizes your efforts and opens new opportunities. Explore techniques to research companies effectively, uncovering ideal workplaces that align with your skills, values, and passions.

Creating a Resume and Cover Letter:

Craft compelling, targeted resumes and cover letters that showcase your skills and make a lasting impression on employers.

Networking Mastery:

Learn the art of confidently networking and building meaningful connections that can elevate your career prospects.

Mastering the Interview:

Hone your interview skills, from preparation to execution, ensuring you leave a lasting impact on potential employers.

Join us for this comprehensive series, where you'll gain practical tools for your job search and connect with a community of like-minded women, fostering support and inspiration. "EmpowerHER" is more than a workshop; it's a transformative experience to help you thrive in your professional journey.

Don't miss this opportunity to invest in your career and unlock your full potential. Let's embark on the path to success together!

Register Today! https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/anrkm6n/lp/1a75b0ed-616a-4e4…

Kate Meyer / outreach@wrcac.org
