Grassroots Art funding Applications Open August 1

Alamance Arts will award $55,859 for the 2024-2025 Grassroots Grant from NCArts Council.
We invite you to consider how your organization can provide artistic programming this coming year as a subgrantee of Alamance Arts.  Allocations and preference will be given to requests with confirmed cash match, the highest rubric scores and together with other groups meet the required NC Arts Council’s Multicultural distribution through program delivery and artist payments.  Alamance County has a 40% Multicultural requirement.  Each applicant should make every effort to contribute to the multicultural requirement for strongest consideration. 

Application Opens August 1,2024
Application Deadline  5:00 PM Friday August 30,2024
Review/rating of Applications by Community Leaders  September 2- September 20
Recommendations for allocations and Vote by Alamance Arts Board of Directors October 17
Announcements to Funded and nonfunded Recipients October 18

Review for all rules, guidelines and forms.    An explanation of the multicultural requirement is included.
Use this form found at and submit to . You may also check 

Full application here


Alamance Arts

Tammy Cobb /