Alamance Racial Equity Alliance Groundwater Presentation

A workshop sponsored by the Alamance Racial Equity Alliance in partnership with the African-American Cultural Arts and History Center

Saturday, April 2, 2022 9AM-12PM (Virtual)

This virtual Groundwater Presentation by the Racial Equity Institute (REI) provides participants with critical knowledge about the impact of systemic and institutional racism in our society including areas such as education, healthcare, and criminal justice. Fees are on a sliding scale per person; pay what you can.

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In this lively and participatory 3-hour virtual introduction to Racial Equity, REI organizers use stories and data to present a perspective that racism is fundamentally structural in nature. By examining characteristics of modern-day racial inequity, the presentation introduces participants to an analysis that most find immediately helpful and relevant.
The Groundwater Presentation dovetails with REI’s Phase I workshop and is recommended as an introduction or followup to a full two-day workshop.


Alamance Racial Equity Alliance 

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